California Architect Continuing Education Requirements
Micène Fontaine, Jul 19, 2018 11:00:00 AM
Licensed California architects must complete 5 Continuing Education Hours (CE) on disability access requirements every 2 years.
- CE Requirement: 10 Continuing Education Hours every 2 years. Five (5) CE hours must be on Disability Access requirements defined as the "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, state laws that govern access to public facilities, and federal and state regulations adopted pursuant to those laws". As of June 2023, the California Architects Board added another five (5) hours on Zero Net Carbon Design (ZNCD) for a total of 10 CE hours during each renewal cycle.
- Renewal Date: The last day of the licensee's birth month in odd-numbered years (example: if your birthday is October 12, renewal is October 31 of 2021, 2023 etc.)
- CE Reporting Cycle: Biennial - all credits must be earned within the 2-year period between renewal dates.
- Acceptable Coursework: The California Architects Board does not pre-approve courses. Courses approved by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) are generally accepted but it is the registrant's responsibility to use their professional judgment to determine if an activity meets the Board's criteria as summarized in this post and as detailed on Board's website.
- Reporting of Credits: Providers cannot report continuing education credits earned to the California Architects Board. Licensees are responsible for tracking courses and maintaining supporting documentation in case of an audit. Design Arts Seminars reports credits electronically whenever possible.
- Tracking of Credits: Licensees are responsible for maintaining proof of successful completion of continuing education activities for at least 2 years following the renewal period for which the continuing education was taken.
- Audit: A random sample of licensees will be selected for an in-depth audit to verify compliance with continuing education requirements.
- Carry-over credits: Not allowed.
- Are you licensed in another state? If so, check out the Architecture Continuing Education Requirements.
- Also a member of the American Institute of Architects? Check out the AIA Continuing Education Requirements.
- Have any questions? Post comments or questions on this blog or contact Design Arts Seminars, Inc.